By Melvin J. Howard
In letter to the Government of Canada dated January 26, 2009. I advised the Government of Canada that I was open to mutual consultations after February 20, 2009. If after that time has passed and there has been no arrangement for consultations. I will begin the selection of the Arbitral Tribunal process. In so much as a physician has criticized me about my NAFTA claim this I have no problem he has a right to his opinion on this issue. The problem I do have with this particular physician is that he happened to bring my bi-polar condition into focus. I personally want to thank him for that you have managed to do what I could not do for over a decade. You have manages to galvanized and unite a whole segment of people with this issue this I thank you for. His name is Randall F. White, MD, FRCPC Psychiatrist, St. Paul's Hospital, Vancouver, Canada, British Columbia and a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Dr. White, has disclosed that he owns stocks in a number of health care companies. So he must not be a true socialist he likes profits interesting.
Dr. White I am ashamed that you made this personal as a doctor of psychiatry you should know better. Having bi-polar does not diminish your capacity for intelligence nor reason. As a matter of fact some research indicate otherwise. The problem is turning that computer in your head off. I just want to say I will not hold a grudge against you I am sure by now some of your colleagues have told you that was not cool (think Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill).
This being said thank you to my physician, which is my muse and friend and the many physicians that I talked to for their opinion on health care and where it’s going. Now lets us get to my other vocal critic on this issue his name is T.J. Grierson-Weiler a commercial arbitration Adjunct Professor at the University of Western Ontario Faculty of Law. He thinks my claim was amateurish this was in September when I filed a Notice of Intent to file for a formal arbitration. This was before he knew all of the details of the claim. I ask you what kind of lawyer would way in on a complex issue as this based upon so little information on a post by the Government of Canada’s website. I sense now that I have laid out a little more in details he is not so quick to jump at any conclusions. Most law firms would have not even given an opinion but when you are sole practitioner you can pretty much say what you want no liability to other partners. Well Dr. Randall F. White and T.J. Grierson-Weiler I am going to show you how serious I am about this trade issue. Now that I know you both Dr. White and T.J. Grierson-Weiler on a professional level sometimes a businessman is like a iceberg you only see the surface but there is a lot more underneath most corporate lawyers probably would tell you that.
You have underestimated my resolve in this issue you have further insulted my intelligence. I will not belittle you both in this endeavour I will let the general public do that. But I just want to say I hope I am not that naïve to judge people without really knowing who they are and what principals they stand for I want to see the whole iceberg. At this time there will be no further interviews about this trade issue. I will now prepare efforts on the Arbitration.