By Melvin J. Howard
Centurion has completed its selection process for Arbitrators and we have selected our party-appointed arbitrator for our NAFTA proceedings against the Government of Canada. In summary after interning at the American Civil Liberties Union and clerking for a US Federal Judge where they drafted judicial decisions on a range of diverse issues of law, including contract disputes, federal habeas corpus review of death penalty cases and employment discrimination claims. After leaving a large law firm where the selected party practiced International Trade law. The party entered the world of academia as a Law Professor and has worked in the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative as Assistant General Counsel and the Department of Commerce. In addition the selected party litigated disputes before the World Trade Organization and negotiated bilateral and multilateral trade agreements. Authored a series of WTO articles for U.S.-based Initiative for Policy Dialogue, a U.S. think tank. In addition to authoring and CO-authoring numerous reviews, articles and essays.
Honors include:
Fulbright Scholar to France
International Law Fellow, merit tuition scholarship for academic achievement in international law
Staff Editor, Journal of International Law and Politics
Marden Moot Court, second in division for best brief and oral
Centurion will expand its claim to include all Provinces except Quebec. I want to personally thank the various lawyers and institutions that helped with this process. For further information http://www.state.gov/s/l/c29884.htm#