By Melvin J Howard
I, Melvin J Howard, will be stepping down as Chairman and CEO of the Howard Group in order to devote more time to the Melvin J Howard Foundation.
Throughout this transition, I will be slowing consolidating various companies within the Howard Family Group in order to allow me to focus more attention on the Foundation.
I got into the health care field because I wanted to help people. I have always had a soft spot for charity and have been involved through governance or donations to a number of charities all over the world. But there was always a nagging in the back of my head, pushing me to do more…
I had to ask myself, are all of the blood, sweat and tears I have poured into making a name for myself been worth it?
The answer to that question was YES! After years of focusing on the bottom line, meeting quotas, and taking on challenges that were said to be un-accomplishable, I have developed the skills and the resources to take on my next venture, perhaps the most important and significant venture of my life, building the Melvin J Howard Foundation.
The Melvin J Howard Foundation is excited to launch in 2010. In the past few years the world has seen some of the hardest economic times in history. Foundation spending on a whole has declined and endowment funds have dwindled. Non-profit organizations have been faced with less funding and hard choices to fulfill their goals. The Melvin J Howard Foundation brings philanthropy to the top of the priority pile. However, the Melvin J Howard Foundation is not solely a money giving philanthropic foundation – it helps non-profit organizations meet their societal goals through mentoring programs, business advice and solutions to today’s toughest social problems.
The organization believes in accountability and results. Our foundation works with other non-profit organizations giving and receiving guidance, support and education. We are a results oriented philanthropy foundation that makes a difference. Our goal is to be the best at giving money to charity through our thorough selection process, results oriented evaluation process, constant support for our grantees and efficient, yet caring approach.
The mission statement is to be responsible for bringing quality medical care to people caught in medical crisis, regardless of race, religion, or political affiliation. Additionally, the Foundation is dedicated to providing mainstream scientific information, education, and solutions to root cause problems of child poverty. The Foundation will achieve these purposes primarily by supporting the expansion of national and/or international collaborative projects, which contribute to the integration of providing high-quality care to patients and to improve health care outcomes, in addition to promoting the success of anti-poverty projects focused on youth.
I am very excited about this new venture and look forward to the support of my collegues.