Health care needs have changed. Worldwide pressures for increased spending stem from technological and demographic changes, such as an ageing population, changing disease patterns and an increase of immigration in most developed countries. At the same time, the need for high technological health care facilities has increased in recent years and is expected to continue to do so in the future. In most under developed and some developed countries access to such facilities is limited at best.
Demand for state of the art medical facilities continues to rise, however many countries worldwide lack the ability to provide certain capital-intensive medical technologies and services. Centurion Health Corporation will establish partnerships with community hospitals, regional medical centers and academic teaching hospitals internationally to provide access and management service for life saving medical facilities. The role of private foreign capital in developing countries has increased sharply in the past ten years, because of higher returns, risk diversification, financial deregulation, advances in technology, availability of diverse financial instruments, and the globalization of financial markets.
Yet, access to basic health services has remained stagnant for the past 20 years. Private participation with government incentives in health infrastructure must increase, if we are to stop the suffering and deaths that occur needlessly because of the lack of or limited access to basic health care services. Centurion Health Corporation has taken its cues from the World Health Organization. Many countries in both the developed and developing world routinely make use of private provision, particularly for health services, where private practice and private hospitals are widespread in addition to public providers. Moreover, public policy and funding functions are separable from provision of the service. Governments thus have the option to tap private initiative, while providing funding to deal with affordability concerns. Private provision is thus one of the tools for governments in their effort to build out social service systems that provide universal access.
These are just some of the objectives of Centurion Health Corporation. Our goal will be to improve access to high tech surgical and medical facilities on an international basis by:
§ Designing the expansion of international collaborative projects, that contributes to the integration of public and private health care service delivery mechanisms.
§ Generating fundamental long-range cost planning models to improve the health status of historically medically underserved populations.
§ Using information systems to collect performance statistics, from various caseload data, which will allow us to provide appropriateness for quality of care and outcomes of care, to physicians, hospitals and governments.