Let’s keep things the way they were in the 1950’s they were so perfect back then
By Melvin J. Howard
In an answer to discussions coming from the far, far left in Canada. There was one Provincial Government that was not a hypocrite it was the Klein Government. In 2001 we were to establish the first EBT center in Canada http://www.gehealthcare.com/usen/ct/products/ebt.html I had a sit down with the Klein Government without going into detail of who attended. Not only was I impressed with the hands on approach of which they took our proposal. Unlike other politicians I met in Canada in the past this group were glad to have us. I got the feeling they genuinely cared about the project. So after putting a deposit and ordering the machine starting renovations on the site http://sites.google.com/site/thehowardgroupagenda
Guess what this time it was not the Provincial Government that stopped us. It was the constant going back and forth with the Federal Government in the media. Saying they are going to punish Alberta if they keep expanding private involvement in health care. Needless to say nothing came of it to add insult to injury the EBT Scanner got held up at the border by Revenue Canada asking for payment of duties and GST of $300,000.00. So I had to get on the phone and go over with them according to their own playbook. This is medical technology it should be zero rated. Since most of the medical technology I dealt with has never been in Canada they did not know how to classify it. Only after being on the phone for an hour and a half they agreed and let the technology proceed across the border. So after all said and done I have got a machine that weighs a couple of tons sitting idle costing me money. While the Federal and Provincial Government play tag and I am it holding the bag. So if you think I am a little disturbed by the left wing chatter you would be correct I have not even began to get into details yet. The last time I checked Canada was a democracy usually people in a democracy get to have choices why not Canadians they deserve it!